
Saturday, July 19, 2014 at 8 PM Windham Civic & Performing Arts Center 5379 State Route 23, Windham, NY 12496
Tickets: $35 General Admission, $32 Seniors, $30 Contributors, $5 Students Reservations by phone (518-734-3868) or e-mail ( info@windhammusic.com) Cash or checks accepted, sorry no credit cards. Contributor ticket prices apply to contributors to the Windham Chamber Music Festival, Catskill Mountain Foundation or WMHT/WRHV-FM.
Windham Festival Chamber Orchestra
Zuill Bailey, cello
Christopher Feigum, baritone
Robert Manno, conductor
Mozart: Overture to Le Nozze di Figaro
Mozart: Deh vieni alla finestra from Don Giovanni
Tchaikovsky: Nocturne in D Minor Opus 19 #4 for cello & orchestra
Robert Manno: Dylan's Aria from Act II of the opera Do Not Go Gentle
Robert Manno: Dylan's Ditty from Act I of the opera Do Not Go Gentle
Mahler: Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
Schumann: Concerto for Cello in A Minor Op. 129